Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving - I'm grateful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I think this is one of my favourite holidays - it's a time to pause and really reflect on what I have to be grateful for - so much! I'm grateful for my family - my children and husband, my mother who is about to turn 97, my siblings, Bogey, Nappy and Jewel, my friends, my health and everyone else's, the community I live in, and all of the good things in the world we all share. I also reflect on what is not right in the world, and resolve to try and make a difference wherever I can. Students! I noticed that the movie I told you about, WATERMARK, is in town! I am going to inquire to see if it will be in town next week, and if so, let's try and go! I am hoping to preview it tonight, and will let you know. It's a blustery October day today - I plan on getting outside and doing some walking and hiking, maybe some gardening, and then I will come back in and read my book. I hope you will get outside and do some reading too! Did I mention how grateful I am for all of you, Advisory 62? Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

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