Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hi Everyone! Where does the time go? I was surprised to see it's been almost two weeks since my last post! Lots has been happening. Thank you to the many of you who were able to attend Parent/Teacher interviews - it was really great to learn about your students, I received great insight. To those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to contact me through the school office or by email - I'm happy to set up a meeting before or after school to chat about your child's learning needs. We also had our earthquake drill in the "Great Shake-Out", and we will continue to have fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills. And - we've been working hard! You should now have received a bright pink permission form, regarding a fieldtrip to Goldstream on November 6. If you haven't seen one, please ask your child if it's buried in their backpack! Many have returned the form to me, which I really appreciate. Unfortunately, at this point I have only one driver. I realize it can be very difficult to drive on fieldtrips, but I am hoping that with a couple of weeks notice, some of you may be able to make arrangements so that you can drive some of our students - I still need rides for 12 children. You are welcome to stay with us for the day, but it is also possible to drop us off and pick us up. I would be most grateful if you would be able to look at your schedule and see if you can make arrangements. Finally, tomorrow is a Pro-D - no school for your children, just teachers! I hope you have a lovely "long weekend". Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.

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